X-Mas games

’t was the time for joy and laughter… tralalalalala. Well, the holidays are over, food was eaten, drinks were passed around and a few games were played. I hope you all have a very nice 2018 filled with hobby and…
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Miniature wargames blog and Tallarn army showcase
’t was the time for joy and laughter… tralalalalala. Well, the holidays are over, food was eaten, drinks were passed around and a few games were played. I hope you all have a very nice 2018 filled with hobby and…
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Yesterday Hamza and I finally concluded the point of no return campaign. The first two reports of this campaign can be found here: http://thedesertscorpions.com/x-wing-point-of-no-return-battle-report/ and http://thedesertscorpions.com/x-wing-point-of-no-return-battle-report-pt-ii/ We were now up to the last game in this campaign, the one that would define who…
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Last friday Hamza and I continued the point of no return campaign that is included with the Tantive IV model. Two weeks ago we started this campaign and were able to finish two of the four games. A battle report…
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2 weeks ago me and Hamza had decided to play Star Wars X-Wing at club night. I brought the whole collection and we would see what we would play then and there. After a bit of pondering we decided to…
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In the last week of januari I hosted a special X-Wing battle. The idea was to have as many ships on the table as possible. I wanted to theme this battle around the first film trilogy, so there was a…
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